What is the alternative to assisted suicide?

The advocates of AS rightly argue for improved access to high quality health and social care at the end of life, known as ‘palliative care’, but argue that palliative care can never be good enough to minimise suffering in all cases. The evidence suggests, however, that we could do so much more to ease suffering. Palliative care in the UK is the best in the world, but the system for providing it is patchy and badly underfunded.

Responding to the BMA vote on Assisted Suicide

Responding to the BMA vote on Assisted Suicide

Responding to the BMA vote on assisted suicide, Danny Kruger MP, chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Dying Well, said: “That even the most activist doctors group could not muster a majority for neutrality on assisted suicide shows just how unpopular it...

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Podcast: Caring for the Dying

Podcast: Caring for the Dying

In the latest podcast released by Living and Dying Well Baroness Ilora Finlay, a palliative medicine professor, discusses end of life care, doctor-patient trust and the right to die in our latest podcast. Watch or listen here:...

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Must Read: With the End in Mind

Must Read: With the End in Mind

What does dying well look like? The best way to answer that question is with real human stories of the last days of life. Dr Kathryn Mannix, a palliative care doctor for the last thirty years, has written With the End in Mind, to capture the wisdom of death and dying...

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Many in the dark on end of life

Many in the dark on end of life

Author: Care Not Killing Research indicates 'a lack of understanding that death can be "gentle, peaceful and pain-free"' Doctors.net.uk reported recently: 'Public ignorance about dying increases fears about the pain and indignity associated with the event, senior...

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