What do the polls really say?
Opinion polls are a snapshot of what a sample of the public say they feel about a given issue in response to specific questions at a particular time. Beneath the headline statistics lies a complex picture of what the public, medical professionals, lawyers, disabled people and other groups, think about assisted suicide and whether it should be legalised.
Press Release – House of Lords votes to reject proposals for Assisted Suicide
The House of Lords has tonight voted to reject Lord Forsyth’s proposals for a Bill to legalise assisted suicide by 179 votes to 145 votes in a landmark vote. Lords-Win-PR-1Download
Press Release: Outcome of the Second Reading of the Assisted Dying Bill
The Assisted Dying Bill proceeded from its Second Reading in the House of Lords today - in spite of over 60 Peers speaking to oppose the Bill - as is convention. It is the accepted custom of the House of Lords for Bills to move to Committee Stage without a division....
Responding to the BMA vote on Assisted Suicide
Responding to the BMA vote on assisted suicide, Danny Kruger MP, chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Dying Well, said: “That even the most activist doctors group could not muster a majority for neutrality on assisted suicide shows just how unpopular it...
BMA ‘assisted dying’ poll takeaways
Sourced from: Care Not Killing Beneath the headline grabbing top-line numbers lies a complex picture of medical opinion on the question of whether they should be empowered to end patients’ lives The results of the British Medical Association's membership survey on...
Polling: A House of Cards
Sourced from: Care Not Killing In 2019 the Populus poll, commissioned by Dignity in Dying (formerly the Voluntary Euthanasia Society), asked respondents: 'Currently it is illegal for a doctor to help someone with a terminal illness to end their life, even if the...