What do the polls really say?


Opinion polls are a snapshot of what a sample of the public say they feel about a given issue in response to specific questions at a particular time. Beneath the headline statistics lies a complex picture of what the public, medical professionals, lawyers, disabled people and other groups, think about assisted suicide and whether it should be legalised.


Responding to the BMA vote on Assisted Suicide

Responding to the BMA vote on Assisted Suicide

Responding to the BMA vote on assisted suicide, Danny Kruger MP, chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Dying Well, said: “That even the most activist doctors group could not muster a majority for neutrality on assisted suicide shows just how unpopular it...

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BMA ‘assisted dying’ poll takeaways

BMA ‘assisted dying’ poll takeaways

Sourced from: Care Not Killing Beneath the headline grabbing top-line numbers lies a complex picture of medical opinion on the question of whether they should be empowered to end patients’ lives The results of the British Medical Association's membership survey on...

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Polling: A House of Cards

Polling: A House of Cards

Sourced from: Care Not Killing In 2019 the Populus poll, commissioned by Dignity in Dying (formerly the Voluntary Euthanasia Society), asked respondents: 'Currently it is illegal for a doctor to help someone with a terminal illness to end their life, even if the...

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