APPG on Dying Well Event 16.04.2024

APPG on Dying Well Event 16.04.2024

The APPG on Dying Well looks forward to its next event after Easter recess on Tuesday 16th April at 5:30PM in Room M of Portcullis House (hybrid event). We look forward to hearing from Dr Trudo Lemmens about his hesitation around normalising ‘assisted...
Summary of APPG – 08.11.23

Summary of APPG – 08.11.23

The APPG for Dying Well hosted a public event on Wednesday 8th November in the House of Lords, titled, ‘Why ‘assisted suicide’ harms the vulnerable and does not end suffering’. Speakers from various jurisdictions who have either legalised, or...
APPG on Dying Well Event 08.11.23

APPG on Dying Well Event 08.11.23

The APPG on Dying Well would like to invite you to its public meeting on Wednesday 8th November at 11AM in Committee Room 3A of the House of Lords (hybrid event). This event’s principal focus is on ‘Why “assisted suicide” harms the vulnerable and does not end...